1 day.

Sorry for the absence…haven’t had much time to write.

Saturday was Evan’s party, it was alright, pretty fun but I was super tired so I was a little grumpy.

Sunday I packed all morning and we had a family bbq at my house for my brothers birthday and me leaving. My nana gave me $100 so that was cool. Evan came obviously since he is a part of the family.

Monday we went to the beach (me, evan, nick, tommy, and morgan). It was alright but I was just not in a good mood. I’m not handling this whole leaving thing soon. Evan and I went and got mongolian food for dinner and then went to see Straight Outta Compton with Nick and Cole. That was really fun. I highly recommend the movie, everyone should go see it!!! Evan and I wanted to hang out at his house after but my mom said I had to come home (it was like 1am when the movie ended). I wasn’t even leaving for good yet and both of us were crying. I can’t believe it’s actually so close. I’m going to have to leave him. I’m terrified bc as much as we are completely in love right now I’m also realistic and know that we might not end up together. Distance can really change things. I just really hope we make it through.

Today I have to finish packing and Evan and I are going to hang out obviously.


4 days.

So yesterday Evan and I went hiking at this place called Murphy’s Ranch (you can look it up on yelp if you wanna see pictures). Somehow we picked the hottest day of the year to go hiking (in the 100s where we live and in the 90s where we went hiking) and we didn’t bring water which was the only problem. The hike was pretty easy, you just had to go up a shit ton of stairs at the end but it wouldn’t be that bad if you weren’t dying of thirst. It’s so cool though bc you hike to these abandoned buildings (we made it to a house, water tower, and barn before we dipped out bc it was too hot) that are all graffitied and it’s a lot of fun just to explore all these empty buildings. I would recommend going on it–if you do though definitely read the reviews on how to get there bc it can be confusing. It was so funny after we finished the hike though bc we drove as fast as we could in LA traffic to the nearest 7-eleven and got slurpees and the biggest water bottles there. We actually made really good time home too for a friday at like 5pm so we had enough time to go to the pool before we went to Lyle’s dinner thing. That wasn’t really that fun bc Mitchka and Megan were there and I don’t like them and they don’t like me and I really just don’t want to be around them at all. Tommy was there and told me that Mitchka had gone to his house before the dinner and was shit talking me..good for her..glad she is so much more mature than me. So after dinner we said our goodbyes to Lyle and came back to my house and watched the office per usual. Evan fell asleep after like 1 episode though, also per usual so he ended up going home at like 11.30pm. Tonight is Evan’s like going away get together thing (he doesn’t leave till the 23rd but he did it early so that I could go) and it’s gonna be all his family and some various parents and me, gabby, tommy, andre, nick, and blake I think so besides Tommy I really like everyone that’s going so it should be fun. He works all day until the party though so I won’t see him till it starts at 6pm so I’m trying to do as much packing as possible so that we don’t have to spend our time together packing.

Tomorrow I am having a family bbq for my brother’s birthday/me going away and Evan is coming to that and I’m going to try and find something fun for us to do during the day. Like the hike thing and meteor shower watching, I want us to do some more fun things to do besides sitting on my couch and watching the office so hopefully I find something. We are also going to try and get a few people to go to the beach on monday so I can experience the beach before I have to leave and say my goodbyes to our friends so we will see if that works out.


5 days.

Last night was so fun–Evan and I went to Wood Ranch for dinner which is always bomb. Then we came back to my house and played a board game with my fam (he has wanted to play a game with my fam ever since my mom said he was part of the fam..idk why but it makes him sooooo happy, it’s adorable) and once it was dark enough outside we climbed the hill right next to my house, put down some blankets and watched the meteor shower. It was so cute bc he planned this whole night on his own–the dinner and the meteor shower and he brought a bunch of blankets and a little speaker. We just talked a lot and yeah. It was so cute. I’m really going to miss him. We stayed out there for probably 2 hours and then walked back to my house and watched the office per usual.

I’m about to get ready and go over to Evan’s house (he has to finish up some chores) and after that we are going to this really cool hiking spot–maybe I’ll upload some pics on my next post to spice things up–and then later we have a going away dinner for Lyle…Should be a really fun day.


6 days.


Sorry it’s been a few days since I posted. Nothing super exciting has happened. Just more hanging out with Evan.

Yesterday, evan lyle nick and gabby came over and we just chilled and talked for a few hours. Lyle leaves Saturday morning for San Fran (his fam is moving there//he’s going to school in RI).

Starting to have to get serious about packing and whatnot and I really don’t want to.

Sorry my life is so boring.

Might go on a really cool hike in LA tomorrow and there is a goodbye dinner for Lyle tomorrow so hopefully I will have some good stuff to write about.


9 days.

Today I went to the Santa Barbara zoo with Morgan and it was so fun. Once we got to SB we realized that we were both starving so we went and got food. We thought we were just going to a normal mexican restaurant thing but once we got there it ended up being a restaurant and batting cages combined. It was weird at first but then we decided it would be the perfect place for a date. The food was surprisingly good and we got to watch people hit (or rather not hit) at the cages.

Then we got to the zoo and it was super fun. It was like a perfect day…warm and sunny. The animals were all so cute and we got to talk a lot and just hang out. I’ve missed her…it was more like old times and how we used to be. Her fam has passes to the zoo so we got in for free and got to ride the train for free. I just love the zoo and so does she (we share a love for animals) so it was just such a good time.

Once we got back to her house we made ourselves some dinner (grilled chicken, salad, and garlic bread). Then her older brother and his friend Jeremy that I’ve met a couple times before got home and we played beer pong (with water) for a while. And we kicked their asses so that’s always a good time.

I hope I keep in touch with her in college.

I went home at like 9pm and Evan came over. We played some games, ate some ice cream, watched the office, and yeah. Being with him just makes me so happy. I’m going to miss him so much.

This one is also a little late so it’s 3pm the next day. Evan has work all day so that sucks. I went to the gym this morning with Morgan. I have a couple things to do today to prep for leaving. I’m also looking up fun things to do within like a 2 hour drive of me so Evan and I can have some fun times before I leave. I’ve found a couple things that look really fun so I’m excited.


10 days.

My parents came back today along with my brother (he does drumchore in the summer so he hasn’t been home since the middle of may).

I went through all my jackets and shirts today and picked out which ones I’m bringing so now I just have pants, shorts, and workout clothes left to go through.

Evan and I are going to the vc fair soon so I’ll give an update on that after we go.

Sorry this is so late but after the fair I was so tired I just went right to bed and then yesterday I was really busy.

The fair was SOOO much fun. We just walked around and looked at everything and all the different animals. Then we got a funnel cake and watched alaskan pig racing which was so cute!! Then we played some fair games and Evan won me the cutest donut pillow. After that we got some fries and just sat and talked and it was so fun. The fair is also right on the beach so we got to watch a really pretty sunset which made it extra awesome. We were also just both in good moods so we were having the best time just walking around and holing hands and talking. I’m going to miss him so much.

After the fair we came to my house to watch tv but I fell asleep right away so once the one episode ended he let me go upstairs to bed and he went home.


11 days still.

So Evan was supposed to get off at 1.30 and go home to shower (he works at a tire shop so that’s a must) and we would go to the fair. I was getting all ready and I was so excited…I picked out a really cute outfit and curled my hair the way that he likes it. (I was really excited to have him see my hair bc he loves it when it’s wavy and I knew it would make him happy.)

I get a text at 2.30 saying that he just got on his lunch break and they are making him stay the whole day (they close at 6.30). Seriously? I’m not mad at him bc I know it’s not his fault but I kind of wish he had just told them that he couldn’t stay. I told him that and he said that he pulled that excuse yesterday to get off at 5 but I have no idea why bc I didn’t see him until 8.30 soooooo? I was just so disappointed bc the fair isn’t open that much longer and this isn’t the first time that he has told me we would go and then we haven’t gone. And he also told me he would only be working one or two days a week and next week he has one day off. And when he wasn’t even supposed to be working this week, he told me he would quit so that we could spend more time together yet he works literally until 3 days before I leave and one of those days I already know I can’t do anything bc I have family stuff so that’s fucking awesome. 2 days together.


11 days.

Yesterday Evan had work so he had to leave at like 10am so I just cleaned up the house for a while, played a little Mario Kart, and then went to the mall with gabby. That was really fun, I love hanging out with gabby and it’s nice to get some girl time, which thankfully I have been getting more of lately bc only hanging out with guys was getting really old in case you haven’t read my old posts. But then Evan came over at like 8 and I hadn’t eaten dinner yet bc I was like half asleep from a long day and little sleep the night before. He was still hungry and I was hungry so we went to the grocery store (actually 3 different ones) trying to find these circus animal cookies (the pink and white colored ones that are amazing) and some ice cream so we could go home and pig out and play mario kart. For the record I destroyed him at mario kart. Then it was only like 11pm but I was so tired so we went upstairs to bed and yeah. Also this is more tmi but I think it’s fucking hilarious but we had sex on the dining room table bc for some reason that was just a place he really wanted to do it. We have talked about the “weird” places we wanted to have sex and that was on his list lol so that happened lol.

He had work again this morning but it was the early shift so he gets off at 1.30pm and we are going to go to the vc fair after and I’m pretty excited. Tonight is the last night that my parents are out of town and I’m really sad.



Just wanted to put it out there on the internet how much I dislike my old friend Mitchka.

She is the most close-minded, hypocritical, immature person I have ever met and I have no idea how I used to be friends with her.

I’m going to college in literally 12 days so I went through my social media and unfollowed a bunch of people that I know I won’t speak to ever again (her being one of them). Apparently she has that app that shows you when someone unfollows you on instagram (btw I think it’s pretty pathetic that she even cares enough to have that app–follower count/ratio literally doesn’t matter AT ALL unless you are as immature as her) and so today she sent a screenshot of it saying I unfollowed her with the caption “HAHAHAHAHAHAH IM LAUGHING SO HARD OMFG IS SHE 5 YEARS OLD”. Sorry if I’m just stupid and confused but I don’t get how unfollowing someone that you AREN’T FRIENDS WITH makes me 5 years old????? That’s 100000x more mature than me starting some lame ass twitter fight like she does with people. And it’s extra immature for her to even send that into a group message (to Megan and Morgan). Luckily, Morgan thought it was so stupid and funny that mitchka even cared that she sent me a screenshot of it. It’s also extra hypocritical bc at the beginning of summer (when I was still kinda friends with her) I remember her telling me about how she went on a huge unfollowing spree of people from high school that she won’t see again.

I just literally dislike her so much, it’s incredible how we were ever friends.


12 days.

So Evan ended up showing up at my house at 10pm last night after I had texted twice and received no response and I was so pissed off that I almost didn’t let him in. But, after a few minutes I decided to let him in. And guess what…..he walked in pissed. I was like excuse me, I’m the one that should be mad here. So basically we were both super pissed off and didn’t want to talk about it so for a good hour and a half we sat on opposite ends of the couch watching tv and not looking at each other.

Finally, we started talking and apparently the school stuff that he was trying to do (register for classes bc he missed orientation) (he goes to school in 15 days and still doesn’t have his schedule) wasn’t working so he hasn’t even started it technically. And apparently his parents were annoying him to bc they were all mad but they couldn’t figure out how to do it either. So then I explained why I was mad.

Even after we both talked we were both still upset so there was another little 20 minutes of awkwardly sitting far away from each other but finally we both just kind of let it go bc we knew that this was supposed to be a really fun night together.

After we both cheered up a little we played a game of Life…he beat me as usual. He always wins in that game and then he had some ice cream and I had some goldfish. We were both pretty tired at this point, it was like 1am so we went upstairs to my room. This is so tmi but I’m writing this so I can look back on it and remember this time in my life so I’m just gonna say it anyway. That was the best sex we have ever had. He also ate me out (which he has only done like twice in our 7 months of being together) and he was like getting really into it so that was amazing. Wow. We also 69d lol which I just think his hilarious to say. I didn’t even know people actually did that until multiple of my friends said they had. I just thought it was some funny internet thing. But then we had sex a few times and went to sleep. Then we woke up in the morning and had sex a few more times and took a shower together. Then we went downstairs and ate breakfast together. We were talking about how we wish my parents were always gone and we can’t wait until we actually live together. He even said “when we’re married.” We have always talked about living together later and the rest of our lives together but we have never mentioned getting married so that was exciting. But, we also talked about how shitty it is that we have to leave each other and he was saying he wished we were going to the same college. But, there’s always transferring. Boulder was never my first choice so I’m already planning on transferring so hopefully he can transfer to the same school.

Overall I guess it was a pretty good night/morning.


about everything and nothing