12 days.

So Evan ended up showing up at my house at 10pm last night after I had texted twice and received no response and I was so pissed off that I almost didn’t let him in. But, after a few minutes I decided to let him in. And guess what…..he walked in pissed. I was like excuse me, I’m the one that should be mad here. So basically we were both super pissed off and didn’t want to talk about it so for a good hour and a half we sat on opposite ends of the couch watching tv and not looking at each other.

Finally, we started talking and apparently the school stuff that he was trying to do (register for classes bc he missed orientation) (he goes to school in 15 days and still doesn’t have his schedule) wasn’t working so he hasn’t even started it technically. And apparently his parents were annoying him to bc they were all mad but they couldn’t figure out how to do it either. So then I explained why I was mad.

Even after we both talked we were both still upset so there was another little 20 minutes of awkwardly sitting far away from each other but finally we both just kind of let it go bc we knew that this was supposed to be a really fun night together.

After we both cheered up a little we played a game of Life…he beat me as usual. He always wins in that game and then he had some ice cream and I had some goldfish. We were both pretty tired at this point, it was like 1am so we went upstairs to my room. This is so tmi but I’m writing this so I can look back on it and remember this time in my life so I’m just gonna say it anyway. That was the best sex we have ever had. He also ate me out (which he has only done like twice in our 7 months of being together) and he was like getting really into it so that was amazing. Wow. We also 69d lol which I just think his hilarious to say. I didn’t even know people actually did that until multiple of my friends said they had. I just thought it was some funny internet thing. But then we had sex a few times and went to sleep. Then we woke up in the morning and had sex a few more times and took a shower together. Then we went downstairs and ate breakfast together. We were talking about how we wish my parents were always gone and we can’t wait until we actually live together. He even said “when we’re married.” We have always talked about living together later and the rest of our lives together but we have never mentioned getting married so that was exciting. But, we also talked about how shitty it is that we have to leave each other and he was saying he wished we were going to the same college. But, there’s always transferring. Boulder was never my first choice so I’m already planning on transferring so hopefully he can transfer to the same school.

Overall I guess it was a pretty good night/morning.


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